Ekisaakaate kya Nnabagereka (UK) 2022

In 2019, Nnabagereka Sylvia Naginda relaunched Ekisaakaate kya Nnabagereka UK (previously launched in 2015).  The 2019 programmes took place in South London and in Manchester.  The plan was to hold Ekisaakaate on an annual basis but then the world was hit with Covid-19 pandemic, like so many aspects our lives, the programme was put to a hold.

Due to uncertainties that surrounded the return to ‘normality’, the organising committee decided that for we hold a two-day virtual Kisaakaate on this occasion.


We would like to thank all the those who took part (Abasaakaate) in this year’s Kisaakaate (UK) programme and all the volunteers (Abagunjuzi) for giving up their time to give talks and to run the sessions over the two days 3rd and 4th June 2022.

The sessions that took place included the following:

  • Preparing Kiganda Food (Okutegeka Emmere Ehhanda) – In this session, Nnaalongo Justine Nalubwama & Mrs Hope Nakaweesa Kabugo taught participants how to prepare kiganda dishes from taking them through all the processes of kuwaata emmere, okugisiba, okugifumba n’okugijjula wamu n’okutegeka oluwombo.

  • Art & Craft (Eby’Emikono) - Richard Ntege taught about preservation of the environment, making music and music instruments (Okukuuma obutonde bw’ensi, eby’ennyimba n’okukola ebivuga).

  • Career Development (Okwetegekera Okukola) - Edith Namugga Kaggwa taught about how personal development starts at home - the home school before it is sharpened in external educational institutions. We learnt that education received at home is that which helps a child to compete with the best and thrive.

  • Financial Intelligence ( Eby’ensimbi) - Ssaalongo Geoffrey Kibuuka taught participants as young as 5 years of age how to manage their finances - a subject that is not commonly taught in schools. Some of the learning outcomes were an insight even to the parents; helping a child to build a financial track record by paying some of the household bills and many more.

  • Knife Crime (Ettemu ly’obuso) - Richard Ntege emphasised that knife crime most affects the black African communities in the UK. Participants were reminded the importance of communication and having healthy relationships within the familes, creating an atmosphere where children can share challenges faced outside of the home.

  • The Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health (Engeri Ssenyiga Lumiima Mawuggwe gyakosezaamu abantu baffe) - Baker Kiyingi and Mr William Nkata highlighted how the crisis of the lockdowns has impacted young lives both in positive and negative ways. Much emphasis was put on mental health and wellbeing and how families should pay more attention to dialogue and creating spaces for communication through ‘Muzzaŋŋanda’.

  • Personal Hygiene (Okweyonja) – Mrs Elizabeth Ntege taught participants on how to look after themselves from head to toe; the hair, the eyes, the teeth, the armpit body hair and nails. The bed and small clothes, the skin and beauty.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Jeff Sebuyira Mukasa - Chairman of Nnabagereka Foundation commended the efforts the participant, parents and the organising committee for organising Ekisaataake (UK) 2022. He remarked that it gave him great pleasure to see that Richard Ntege – an Alumni (Naliyo) is now a key person in organising Ekisaakaate. 

Dr Sebuyira Mukasa delivered greetings from Her Royal Highness Nabagereka Naginda and a message to say the HRH Nabagereka was very happy that the fire that was lit in 2015 Ekisaakaate kya Nnabagereka (UK) is still burning and hoped that we will have many more camps to benefit Ugandans living in the UK.

If you missed Ekisaakaate (UK) 2022, you can find the recordings on Ekisaakaate UK youtube channel. Information on future programmes will be available on our website - www.ekisaakaateuk.org and our facebook page.

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