Ekisaakaate UK
Ekisaakaate is derived from Luganda language and it means an enclosure where young boys were trained into leaders. These young boys acquired leadership and other political skills, knowledge on cultural practices and values, as well as occupational skills, such as blacksmithing. At the end of the training, they were considered educated citizens.
They were often appointed as the King’s chiefs while others were sent to work in the palace in the belief that the boys trained ensured continuity of leadership within the kingdom. Girls did not undergo this cultural training but were culturally tutored at home by their mothers, paternal aunts and paternal grandparents, who played an important function in passing on traditional values and social skills.
Ekisaakaate UK was founded with with the main aim of nurturing young girls and boys into ‘holistic’ persons with appreciation for both traditional and modern values.
Aims and Objectives of Ekisaakaate UK:
- To advance training in life skills, Ganda culture, home economics, basic financial intelligence, etiquette, and good citizenship e.g. knife crime awareness to young people under the age of 25 years in South London area through holiday camps
- To provide and assist in the provision of trainers, materials and facilities required in conducting the holiday camps in (1) above.
- To advance good parenting through parenting seminars and seminars to parents in South London.